Friday, September 25, 2009

Oil for Optimal Skin

Cleaning your face can become a pain, especially for those with sensitive skin, when every product on the market irritates your skin. Many products contain harsh chemicals that leave skin dehydrated, itchy, or even too oily causing even more breakouts. I can personally attest to using products that were too strong leaving my skin burned and peeling.

A few months ago, my mother stumbled upon the Oil Cleansing Method on the Internet. I must admit I was thinking, "My skin is already oily, wouldn't cleaning my face with oil just cause my skin to be even MORE oily causing breakouts?" But after researching the method, I understood the benefits of using oil. I must say, I've had compliments on how clear my skin is!

So let me explain what I've found at Using the Oil Cleansing Method left me with glowing CLEAN skin, free of blackheads, pimples, and other unsightly imperfections. When washing your face with a lot of the "oil sucking" products out there, you cause your skin to go into overdrive as it tries to compensate for the oil that it has lost...causing guess what?? More oil! I always wondered why after washing my face with some products my nose would instantly begin to shine! Some chemicals in products are so harsh that they can irritate your skin to the point that it is inflamed and trapping dirt, which can cause future breakouts.

So how does applying oil cleanse the skin? Oil dissolves oil. Oil is not what causes breakouts. Hormones, the buildup of dead skin and debris, and bacteria are the real culprits along with other factors. Even your natural oil helps to protect and moisturize your skin--not harm it.

It is very important to know what oils to use, how much to use, and exactly how the method works. Do not grab vegetable cooking oil from the pantry and slather it all over your face expecting life changing results! Your basic and most important oil for the Oil Cleansing Method is Castor oil. Castor oil is a healing and cleansing oil, as well as an anti-inflammatory. Sounds good huh? Castor oil isn't going to do the job by itself, however. Since Castor oil is so thick, many people choose to cut it with another thinner oil also proven beneficial to the skin. I personally like to cut mine with EVCO (Extra Virgin Coconut Oil). Other "cutting" oils include EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), Sunflower Seed oil, and any natural cold-pressed vegetable oil. No mineral and refined oils!

As you can probably imagine, it does not take much oil to do the job. One deep cleansing session requires an oil blend about the size of a nickle. Massage the blend into your face for one or two minutes to remove dirt and makeup. Next, grab a washcloth and run it under water as warm as you can stand it (not scalding hot) to make a "steamy towel" and hold it to your face for about 30 seconds to a minute. The steam releases the oils from your pores that carry dirt and impurities. Wipe, and repeat the "steamy towel" step two or three more times. It is said that the method should be done "regularly but not too frequently." I do the method about once or twice a week and I've had great results!

I give the Oil Cleansing Method a 5 out of 5. I love how it gives my skin a natural glow, doesn't leave it irritated and keeps it clear!